BioTrack Product Database


MON-87427-7 x MON-8746Ø-4 x MON-89Ø34-3 x SYN-IR162-4 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6
Transformation EventMON 87427 x MON 87460 x MON 89034 x MIR162 x NK603
Trade Name
ApplicantBayer CropScience
Organism Common NamesMaize
Organism Scientific NamesZea mays
Centre of Origin and DiversityBiology Consensus Document on Maize
Food and Feed Safety IssuesCompositional considerations for Maize
Methods for safe handling
Additional Information
TraitsResistance to Kanamycin,
Resistance to Lepidoptera,
Resistance to Neomycin,
Tolerance to drought,
Tolerance to Glyphosate
GenesBacillus subtilis modified cspB,
cp4 epsps,
CP4 epsps L214P,

European Union
Date of approvalType of useAuthorityDecisionRisk assessmentMethods for detections-Reference materials
January 22, 2021Food and FeedEuropean CommissionEC255-2021EC134-2019

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